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Que dois-je faire à ce sujet:
Modérateur : Modérateurs
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 1
- Inscription : 27 sept. 2010 17:13
- Version de PhotoFiltre : Photo filtree studio x
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 13219
- Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35
Re: Que dois-je faire à ce sujet:
PhotoFiltre Studio is a shareware program and, as said in the good page : http://www.photofiltre-studio.com/download-en.htm
or use the freware version of PhotoFiltre 6.4.0 dowmloadable from this site : http://photofiltre.free.fr/
PhotoFiltre Studio is a shareware program and, as said in the good page : http://www.photofiltre-studio.com/download-en.htm
It seems your free trial period is expired. You can buy a registration key on this page : http://www.photofiltre-studio.com/reg-en.htmPhotoFiltre-Studio a écrit :is limited to a 30-day trial period. At the end of the 30-day trial
period, if you want to continue using PhotoFiltre Studio you will need to purchase a registration key
from the programs author. If, on the other hand you no longer want to continue using the program
you must remove it from your system immediately.
or use the freware version of PhotoFiltre 6.4.0 dowmloadable from this site : http://photofiltre.free.fr/