PF unexpectedly closing

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

Message par carlo taradel »

I had same problem with PFS i could find any clue.
Sometimes i could open and save several huge hi res images with no problem.
Sometimes just a low res image will crash (allways with Save as).

I never had crash with OPEN...only with SAVE AS .
carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

Message par carlo taradel »

i changed in the Task Manager the priority of PFS.(now is Hight)
I can say that is a solution , i'm NOT sure about, but i can say that after i did it i never had this problem again.

(i'm not sure also becouse sometimes PFS was crashing opening and saving very little images...and i saved 30MB images with no problem...
However till now this solution seems working well)
Messages : 56
Inscription : 02 janv. 2006 19:07
Localisation : Angleterre

Message par PaulR »

I'm using 8.0.0 and still getting this problem. Has there been any fix in the newer versions? (I'm not sure if changing priority in Task Manager is a good idea!)
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

No :cry:

your windows version si XP with SP2 ?
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Message par Tom »

Hi Carlo,

can you tell us if your solution is still a good one ?
Messages : 56
Inscription : 02 janv. 2006 19:07
Localisation : Angleterre

Message par PaulR »

Antonio, yes XP SP2. Searching Microsoft's site I found this...

which is a similar problem.

I've just installed the latest Photofiltre and started getting crashes when trying to open a selection that I'd just created/saved to file on the desktop BUT these are preceeded by the usual Windows error report send/don't send dialog.

Thre same problem occurs even after re-booting and without starting any other program.

Both problems seem to be exclusively related to the open/save dialogs.
Messages : 56
Inscription : 02 janv. 2006 19:07
Localisation : Angleterre

Message par PaulR »

Version 9.0.0 has closed unexpectedly on several occasions, none of them related to the 'open/save/save as' dialogs - it just closed.