translation into Dutch

You need help to start ? Or to use a plugin ? Use the tutorials ! / Ĉu vi bezonas helpon por starti ? Aŭ por uzi etendadon ? Usu la Didaktikojn !

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Messages : 68
Inscription : 09 juil. 2005 9:58
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF and PFS
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Localisation : Zwolle, Holland

translation into Dutch

Message par Marga »

Hi all,
On my website I put the Dutch translation of the very interesting article of Antonio Da Cruz about layers: Opérations avancées sur les calques
The translation is made by Date van der Zaag and is done with permission of Antonio.
:D :D
Maybe this is interesting fot the Dutch members of the forum?
Here you can download the pdf-file:

Greetings from Holland,