New filtres

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Messages : 14
Inscription : 01 déc. 2013 10:20

New filtres

Message par alicecullenefp »

Hi I was thinking but is it possible to create new filters or update the old ones?
New filters styles for writing and also save so that it is used by other subjects or new adjustments and other things like that?
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: New filtres

Message par Antonio »

Plugin authors are either no longer reachable or have stopped development. I only work on the PhotoFiltre part and I no longer have time to do anything else

Which filters for example?
Messages : 14
Inscription : 01 déc. 2013 10:20

Re: New filtres

Message par alicecullenefp »

I would like if it was possible a filter to add effects for the writings and be able to save these effects so that other users can also use them.
New adjustments for photos and also these that can be saved in PFI format
And then maybe capture the colors of an image by creating color palette or palette.
Messages : 19
Inscription : 30 janv. 2022 14:06

Re: New filtres

Message par minniechihiro20 »

En y réfléchissant une mise à jour des anciens filtres ou de nouveaux filtres ne serait pas mauvais, si vous regardez photofiltre cela peut donner tellement de :)