You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?
I discovered a bug when using the Animated GIF tool.
I create a gif image and then preview or export multiple times it throws a delay error.
After I change Delay (1/100) to any number then press preview or export and then re-enter the Delay (1/100) as I wanted initially, the problem is fixed.
[Tom] I transform the image as a link.
The size of the images displaid in the posts are limited to 800 x 600 pixels [/Tom]
Antonio a écrit :1/100 is for undefined/min value, perhaps the undefined/min is different for each player...?
not at all, both have a value of 12
error process:
I started preview 5-10 times with Delay value of 12 and it started crashing like image 2
Then I adjusted the Delay value to any number then pressed preview. Then continue to enter the initial value I want to be 12, then the problem is solved like image 3.