I have a client I work with every month, and basically make a person where you can get different variations of hair/glasses/etc. My issue is, I can't just send her all the layers and have her save her own combinations. I have to save every single different skin/hair/accessory combination for her. Which results in me saving 432 individual files each month. I didn't think it would be a huge deal, but I'm on month three AND I AM SO OVER THIS.
I'm basically
change layers to whatever combination I'm saving -> ctrl+shift+s -> change from psd to png -> file name -> save compression -> repeat x 431 more times
Does anyone know of anyway I can make it so when I ctrl+shift+s , it's already trying to save as a png so I can just put the file name in and move on to the next without all the changing?
Or any ideas on how to make this any faster. Thanks guys!
Automatically save as a png without dialog?
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- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49
Re: Automatically save as a png without dialog?
only with the version 11: Menu Tools > Preferences > File > save with default options