3D red/cyan anaglyphs

Post here if you need help to realise, to draw something. / Enpoŝtigu ĉi tie se vi bezonus helpon por realigi, por desegni ion.

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Messages : 21
Inscription : 26 janv. 2006 20:22

3D red/cyan anaglyphs

Message par kilele »

Hi. How could I create 3D red/cyan anaglyphs with Photofiltre? Do you know of some tutorial?
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Seigneur des posts
Messages : 4298
Inscription : 13 nov. 2004 22:33
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.53, 7.21, PFS 10.14.1, PF11
Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Famille 64 bits
Processeur : Intel Core i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 12 Go
Localisation : Métropole Aix-Marseille

Re: 3D red/cyan anaglyphs

Message par Corwin13 »

Hi! Did you make a request on YouTube? There are several tutorials on this site (in french surely, perhaps in english)
Messages : 21
Inscription : 26 janv. 2006 20:22

Re: 3D red/cyan anaglyphs

Message par kilele »

Thanks, I didn't find anything made with Photofiltre. Will try to replicate this tutorial which is what I was interested in, a way to gradually pop out certain elements from a photography.