
Suggestion de plugin, support de plugin,... En clair tout ce qui a rapport avec les plugins c'est ici !

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 91
Inscription : 13 déc. 2019 15:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.14.0
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : acer
Mémoire RAM : 2 gb


Message par jashleygraphics »

Good morning I wanted to know what plugin he was talking about: " Here's an idea for a "Photoshop" plug-in: PSD file format. Support both ways, opening and saving, making use, if needs be, of the Import sub-menu of the File menu. Even if you have to code it so it opens the newest SDK but only saves in, say, PSD for/from Photoshop 7 or CS1, that's fine. I don't think all that highly of the .pfi file format (never thought that I, coming from a Mac background, would find myself using a Windows graphics editor with a "one-horse charlie" proprietary file format; not in this post 2000 Pro era, anyways), yet it appears to be the only one you can save something in (in Studio X 10.0 at any rate) that supports layers. "

Then I wanted to ask there is a plugin for hue/saturation/vividness
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Info

Message par Antonio »

not for the moment but i'm not sure PSD are free open source format, need's adobe validation :oops:
Messages : 91
Inscription : 13 déc. 2019 15:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.14.0
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : acer
Mémoire RAM : 2 gb

Re: Info

Message par jashleygraphics »

What if I try to add in the level of adjustments that photohsop and many programs have? As partial saturation or vividness or color balance that there is however it would be nice to have it also as a level ...
Messages : 91
Inscription : 13 déc. 2019 15:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.14.0
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : acer
Mémoire RAM : 2 gb

Re: Info

Message par jashleygraphics »

I was watching Adjustshop but I saw that it is not endured by studio photofilters, do you have any plugins for partial saturation and save in PFI format?
Messages : 12871
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Info

Message par Antonio »

not for the moment, i allready have lot of work with the version 11