Gaussian blur and distort issue

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Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

Good day. Is it just me or gaussian blur doesn't work on transparent layers anymore? If so this is catastrophic.

Also, if you select 'distort' for any layer and then try to double click to cancel it, it gives me the an error. You have to either move the selected or distort it and then double click it (cancelling it with right click works but double clicking is faster).
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

gaussian blur doesn't work on transparent layers
==> You must check "Draw in transparent Alpha" in the dialog box or in the preferences (tab Misc)

==> What is exact error message ?
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

Antonio a écrit :gaussian blur doesn't work on transparent layers
==> You must check "Draw in transparent Alpha" in the dialog box or in the preferences (tab Misc)
I of course experimented with everything and with alpha transparency the results are drastically different from before, the area shrinks significantly even on the lowest levels. As an artist, this is a big issue when you need precision. It worked just fine in the previous versions. I recently updated to the latest version, and this became an issue.

==> What is exact error message ?
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

It's not the blur, it is the border effect, perhaps it truncate too much. You can edit the alpha channel and apply a blur to it separettly. With this method, you can personalize the result.

Violation d'acces...
==> i think it is a memory error. Perhaps your image is too big ?
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

Antonio a écrit :It's not the blur, it is the border effect, perhaps it truncate too much. You can edit the alpha channel and apply a blur to it separettly. With this method, you can personalize the result.
How do you edit the alpha channel for this? I know where it is but I never did it before because it was fine in the previous versions.
Violation d'acces...
==> i think it is a memory error. Perhaps your image is too big ?
No, this happens regardless of the size.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

1) First methode : you can uncheck "Apply to Alpha channel" and use Layer > Border > Effect > Progressive contour

2) Use the menu Layer > Transparency > Edit Alpha channel

it was fine in the previous versions
==> in the previouse version, you has not the option "Apply to Alpha channel" in the blur function
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

Antonio a écrit :1) First methode : you can uncheck "Apply to Alpha channel" and use Layer > Border > Effect > Progressive contour

2) Use the menu Layer > Transparency > Edit Alpha channel
First method does nothing. Second method is the one I've been asking about, how do you make the border effect less truncate with this?
==> in the previouse version, you has not the option "Apply to Alpha channel" in the blur function
And it worked great without it, now it's an issue though :(
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

First method does nothing
==> not possible, perhaps you don't have alpha channel ? can you post image here ?
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

By nothing I mean it does the exact same thing as with alpha channel checked.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

I'm not sure to understand the issue :cry:

Can you post here the result with the previouse version (best for you) and the result with the last version (not correct for you) and your settings.

I need to compare to understand...
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

I don't have the previous version already, but basically my issue is with transparent layer only. Gaussian blur works just fine and the same as before on the base background. I'll try to make it visual.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

you tryed to reduce the radius to 12 fo example ?

Send me the transparent layer in PNG 32 bits (before applying the blur)

Go to the menu Layer > Export layer
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

Antonio a écrit :you tryed to reduce the radius to 12 fo example ?
Um, of course. If the radius is anywhere above ~18, the object on the layer just disappears from blurring; if the radius is below ~18, the blur is insufficient and in general still shrinks the object.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par Antonio »

I think there are some confusion because what you want is not to apply a blur to the content of the layer, you want to apply a border with a progressive contour. It is for that i tell you to try the Progressive contour function.

I will give you 2 methodes (better for me that the basic gaussian blur)

For both, start to open the file Layer_1.png and insert a new blank background.
(don't forget to activate the layer)

1. If you want a pressive contour with outflated border :
a) Menu Layer > Transparency > Edit Alpha channel
b) Apply a Gaussian blur to this greylevel image
c) Copy the modified Alpha channel (menu Edit > Copy)
d) Paste this new Alpha channel (menu Layer > Transparency > Paste as Alpha channel

2. Border will be inflated only (loose some details)
a) Apply the function Layer > Border effect > progressive contour
choose a low radius like 7, but repeat this 2 or 3 times. This will preserve more details
Messages : 19
Inscription : 05 oct. 2009 23:46
Version de PhotoFiltre : Studio
Processeur : --
Mémoire RAM : --

Re: Gaussian blur and distort issue

Message par 6Hokage »

I've always used gaussian blur. I've tried all the possible methods already and the result is the same sadly. Progressive contour makes it even worse. Editing alpha channel works, but the result is only black or white then, right? And it's extremely cumbersome to do.

Like I said before, in the previous versions there were no issues with gaussian blur, I've been using photofiltre studio x for almost 10 years now. Applying gaussian blur on the layer gave the exact same effect as applying the blur on the background (the previous comparison I posted), it was nice and easy. After updating to the latest version I instantly noticed this issue. I really wouldn't like to downgrade to the earlier versions because I like all the other improvements made. :(