EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 4
Inscription : 25 juil. 2015 2:35
Version de PhotoFiltre : trial of Studio X
Système d'exploitation : windows 8.1

EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

Message par adot45 »

Am I correct in assuming that EXIF data will not be preserved in this version, even if "preserve EXIF data", is checked? Many Thanks
Messages : 4
Inscription : 25 juil. 2015 2:35
Version de PhotoFiltre : trial of Studio X
Système d'exploitation : windows 8.1

Re: EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

Message par adot45 »

OK, nevermind. I've found out that Studio X can open NEF files but can't save any EXIF data associated with them. So when they are posted in my photography forum and you hover on the picture you just get "EXIF data.......N/A" Bummer, I really liked Studio X....basically because I've used PF free versions for quite a while and was familiar with it.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

Message par Antonio »

only JPEG format can save exif data and you must check the option when saving in the jpeg dialog box
Messages : 4
Inscription : 25 juil. 2015 2:35
Version de PhotoFiltre : trial of Studio X
Système d'exploitation : windows 8.1

Re: EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

Message par adot45 »

Thank You for confirming that Antonio. Is it possible to take a NEF file, make all the necessary improvements, and then save it in Jpeg format and have the EXIF date preserved? Not much point in having a high powered graphics program to only be able to work with jpeg files.
Messages : 4
Inscription : 25 juil. 2015 2:35
Version de PhotoFiltre : trial of Studio X
Système d'exploitation : windows 8.1

Re: EXIF data in trial version of Studio X

Message par adot45 »

No, that doesn't work either. OK, Thank You