Open fails if Path statement has spaces

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Messages : 2
Inscription : 19 août 2012 23:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7
Système d'exploitation : XP
Mémoire RAM : 1GB

Open fails if Path statement has spaces

Message par lrollo »

PP 7.0.0

I attempt to launch a .jpg attachment to an email in Agent Forte.

PP reports an error message — Unable to load image in the file "C:\Program"

When this error message is dismissed, a second error message reads ---

Unable to load image in the file "Files\Agent\path\.jpg

The remainder of the path had no spaces between words, just underscores where spaces would have been.

This suggests that if there s a space in the path statement, PP is rejecting the launch request.

I don't recall this ever happening with PP 6, and I'm reluctant to revert to the earlier version.
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Open fails if Path statement has spaces

Message par Antonio »

PF6 and PF7 use the same Delphi functions to get run parmeters. For me this will occurs with PF6 too :wink:
Messages : 2
Inscription : 28 avr. 2015 19:01
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7
Système d'exploitation : windows

Re: Open fails if Path statement has spaces

Message par ohmzen »

It maybe that the file has incorrectly named extension. Seems Photofiltre does not use magic numbers to id the format but the extension itself, which is not bad. many programs are more ambiguous about that so will open a jpg or png regardless if incorrectly named.

Try opening your file in a text editor, note the very first line. it may say tiff, png, exif(jpg), jfif(jpeg)...
Rename the file to match the file type identifier IN the file. Now it may open in PF just fine.

Hope helpful