text clarity

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Messages : 3
Inscription : 16 juil. 2013 23:25
Version de PhotoFiltre : version 6
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : AMD A6- 3400-APU
Mémoire RAM : 6 GB

text clarity

Message par KLD »

I'm having some trouble with the clarity of the text after I past it down. I design book covers, and when
I am finished with the cover, I need to change it into a jpeg.

I have been typing the blurbs onto a word program, then turning that into a pdf, then copying that
and pasting it onto the cover I have ready at pf. Since I have just learned by trial and error,
I'm fairly sure there should be an easier way! The text box at pf doesn't work for me
at all when I place a large amount of text into it.

Secondly, the text doesn't seem nearly as sharp as it does on the pdf. It's when I make that last paste
that is loses the clarity. I have downloaded the Studio X version and am having trouble with the simplest
tasks. I was hoping it may solve the text problem. Any suggestions?
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: text clarity

Message par Tom »

To get a good quality for printing works, you have better to beguin the project in it's real size in inch or cm with a 300 dpi resolution.
All the insertions have to be done in the real size or reduced (and may sharpen edges), but never enlarged or very few.
The final result as template has to be saved in pfi format without compression if you keep the layers. Or in png file format for a flat file.
Don't forget if you take a screen shot on a pdf, that your screen has a low resolution. Usualy around 90 dpi. :)
Messages : 3
Inscription : 16 juil. 2013 23:25
Version de PhotoFiltre : version 6
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : AMD A6- 3400-APU
Mémoire RAM : 6 GB

Re: text clarity

Message par KLD »

Tom a écrit :To get a good quality for printing works, you have better to beguin the project in it's real size in inch or cm with a 300 dpi resolution.
All the insertions have to be done in the real size or reduced (and may sharpen edges), but never enlarged or very few.
The final result as template has to be saved in pfi format without compression if you keep the layers. Or in png file format for a flat file.
Don't forget if you take a screen shot on a pdf, that your screen has a low resolution. Usualy around 90 dpi. :)

Hi Tom,

Thank you...you may have to explain some of the most basic things to me (sorry).

My back cover space where the text goes is on a 6x9 area. I have been opening word to the same size and putting the text down in the exact size I want it on the book. So you are suggesting I make the font larger (say to size 18) so I can shrink it down more?

When I am done typing in Word, then what? I usually save it to a pdf and then copy that and paste it to the
pf area where I need it...that area is in the exact size I need which is 6x9. Is this the best way?

Also, sorry, I realize that png file is a different type of file but I don't see that option in word. What is it, and how do I do that?
what is a pfi format without compression?

When I'm completely finished, I save the work. Then, I upload it into a final template online that only lets me use a jpeg or tiff. I have been making front covers for several years now but I never could figure out how to get the text on the back until a day or so ago. If you can give me a step by step guide from word to pf I would appreciate it. I may be missing something else that could make it go smoother.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: text clarity

Message par Tom »


no problem for the basics things about PhotoFiltre and Image editing :
when you create a new image in 6x9, (I think it is in inch),
- if you keep the default resolution as 72 pixels/inch, the "quality" size of your image is 638 X 432 pixels.
- if you modify the resolution as 300 pixels/inch, the "quality" size of your image is 2700 X 1800 pixels.
So you can see that you get and keep more details in the second case.
When you print the both images with their own resolution you get the same physical size on the paper,
but not the same edges and details quality.

Png is a standard type of image file, and pfi a special type of file for PhotoFiltre 7 and Studio which mays to keep all the layers.
When you save a file in any computer application, in the bottom of the saving window you can change the type of files.
Png an pfi are better to save a template. After saving the template you can save again the image in jpg type of file.
But in jpg a file is not a template file (because the compression degrade the quality) but a more light and practical exchange file.

Sorry for the word or pdf steps, i'm not skilled, but i know that PdfCreator can be adjust to print text and images in 300 pixels /inch,
so the entire workflow could be realized in the same scale of 300 DPI (dots per inch, or pixels/inch) .
Messages : 3
Inscription : 16 juil. 2013 23:25
Version de PhotoFiltre : version 6
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : AMD A6- 3400-APU
Mémoire RAM : 6 GB

Re: text clarity

Message par KLD »

Hi Tom,

I understood enough to get the problem fixed! Good enough, thank you. It looks much better now
that I changed the resolution.