Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

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Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par dvip »

Any way to create a gradient blur? :(
I would like to blur an image gradually from the top to the middle of the image (or from any side to the middle).
Messages : 12830
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par Antonio »

PhotoMasque has a Blur mode, try to use PhotoMasque with a custom gradient mask.
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par Tom »

PhotoMasque on all versions, but only for gaussian blur.
Other way for PF7 : duplicate the part to blur, blur, and paste a gradient mask as alpha chanel in the new layer. ... e_PF7.html

For Studio you can directly apply a gradient from Layers menu.

You can uptdate your Profile to specify the version you are working.
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par dvip »

Thanks guys!
I found out it can also be done with a plugin a lot faster.
I hope it can be done easier in the next PhotoFiltre 7.1. It is nice for adding a natural bokeh effect.
Picasa has a Soft Focus effect that almost does it but it isn't that precise.
Messages : 12830
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par Antonio »

I hope it can be done easier in the next PhotoFiltre 7.1
==> no because it is already very with PhotoMasque, you not tested :wink:
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par Tom »

It is nice for adding a natural bokeh effect.

Gradient blur is not the right way to do a natural bokeh. :wink: But if some plugin does it a lot faster, it's perfect.
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par dvip »

>Gradient blur is not the right way to do a natural bokeh

Is there another way to make it look natural?
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par Tom »

A very good specialist in retouching :

But with PhotoFiltre 7, to avoid halo around the clear subject,
it's possible to replace the clone stamp step by a selection expanded (more of 32 pixels),
which content is "Paste(d) in/Adjust size" in the original selection (expanded of 3 pixels), before to apply the gaussian blur.

And for the step to refine the hairs edges, you can try a duplicated layer of the clipped subject and turn the layer in Minimum blending mode,
or paint the floating hairs with clone stamp in Pattern mode on a Minimum blank transparent layer. :wink:
Messages : 32
Inscription : 13 juil. 2008 22:08

Re: Any way to create a gradient blur? Top to the middle

Message par dvip »

Thanks for the information, Tom.