List of limitations for free version?

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List of limitations for free version?

Message par dugeen »

Is there a complete list anywhere of the features which aren't in the free version?

I'm never sure if a feature - like Cutting a selection, or dragging a selection to move it from one part of the image to another - isn't there because it's in the paid version only?
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: List of limitations for free version?

Message par Tom »

The Studio version is rather different from the 6 freeware and such a list wouldn't have a special interest.
But you can see a presentation page :
where you find a paragraph about selections. This shareware version is free for 30 evaluation days.
Or for the 6 freeware : ... tre_en.htm

Any versions don't use the selection process you wrote : a selection remains a selection when you drag it.
But with a right clic in it or a short cut as Ctrl+C or X / Ctrl + Y you can copy or cut and paste. Then you can drag the pasted part.
In the documentation : ... /index.htm
working with selections : ... JszTFjMkDQ

The Studio version has now a lite freeware version 7 :