photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

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Messages : 6
Inscription : 05 avr. 2010 14:39

photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par meeps »


i´m using the latest version (6.40) of photofiltre free with win7 and it crashes everytime i´m using my scanner (canon lide). no problems with windows xp, but win7 doesnt work. preview inside the scanner-software is ok but when it comes to photofiltre, it crashes, no saves possible, no picture can be seen, only lots of errors. btw. with "the gimp" its working, so i dont think its a windows7-problem. is there a solution around?
Messages : 12830
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par Antonio »

PhotoFiltre use an old twain module and is not compatible with all scanner :cry:
No solution for the moment, i need to find another twain module for Delphi...
Messages : 6
Inscription : 05 avr. 2010 14:39

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par meeps »

with the new version 6.5.2, scanning works now with win7 32bit here. very nice & thanks.

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par Malcul »

... and this is what brought me here.

Scan something and sometimes nothing is received from the Canon Scanner program, at other times you get an image but you cannot save it. Another twain problem with Photofiltre 6.5.2 combined with x64bit windows 7 HP SP1.

I will be able to scan using my other image viewer, importing to Photofiltre, but it is inconvenient when you are used to quickly achieving your objective in a single excellent program like Photofiltre.

I applaud your work, and hope you are able to provide a remedy soon. :clap: :clap:

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par DaSnake »


I have also problems with PhotoFiltre and my scanner.
I have installed the lates version of PhotoFiltre. My multifunctiondevice is an Canon MG 5250.
The preview-scan functions, but if I will scan, nothings happens and I must close PhotoFiltre with the Task-Manager.
In other programs I can scan without any problems.

Messages : 2
Inscription : 13 sept. 2011 9:58
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.4.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 SP1
Processeur : Intel P4
Mémoire RAM : 4gb

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par crichmond »

Greetings from Australia :clap:

I am using PhotoFiltre 10.4.0 on Windows 7 with SP1. When I scan an image using my Canon 5600f, the twain interface works and I can scan the image successfully, however, when the image is then brought into PhotoFiltre, an error box pops up with this error:

"Violation d'accès à l'adresse 005DDC82 dans le module 'pfstudiox.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 000000B4".

I can close the error window and the image is still there in the main Photofiltre window.

Has anyone had this error and if so, is there a solution?

Cheers, Colin.
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par Tom »


each scanner builder sells it's produc with two soft tools :
- a twain module which could be used by every image editor if the builders could respect a common rule.
- an owner programm which works as a stand alone and allows you to save on the Hard drive or sometimes export the file in an image editor.

If you scan from PF and it does'nt mach, that mean the Twain module is not a realy common one.
So you can always use the second way. :)
Messages : 2
Inscription : 13 sept. 2011 9:58
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.4.0
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 SP1
Processeur : Intel P4
Mémoire RAM : 4gb

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par crichmond »

Hello Tom, thanks for your reply.

Cheers, Colin. :D

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par rdokoye »

Whenever you have a problem like this, you should always attempt to use generic drivers, which you can get from Microsoft's update server.
Dernière modification par rdokoye le 08 févr. 2013 14:33, modifié 1 fois.
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: photofiltre crashes with scanner + win7

Message par Tom »

:?: :?: :?: I don't think it is a secure way to solve the problem.
The target is first to use correctly the scanner with it's own programs before you can use it with a third soft.
The updated drivers from the scanner builder are evidently most advised than any generic drivers.

But if the drivers does not match with it's own programs in a new release of the operating system,
and the builder does not offer a new update :
yes, the last issue is to try a generic driver. But it's a plug and pray solution.