Increase Font Sizes In PF

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 3
Inscription : 01 juil. 2023 19:33
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.3
Système d'exploitation : Wine in Linux Mint
Processeur : I7 7700
Mémoire RAM : 24GB DDR4

Increase Font Sizes In PF

Message par DougGuy »

I use PF 6.5.3 and LOVE IT! It is simple, and does everything I need in a photo editor, been using it for years in Windows, and now 5 years in linux. It runs GREAT in Wine! I've gotten older now and my eyes are squinting at the text. How can I make the fonts in PF menus larger? Somewhere in this program data has to be able to change the fonts I hope, I looked in the .ini file and it's not in there, I don't mind editing the file but where to go with this? Thanks!
Messages : 12873
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Increase Font Sizes In PF

Message par Antonio »

not possible by setting. In windows you can change dpi system value, perhaps it's possible to do it with wine ?
Messages : 3
Inscription : 01 juil. 2023 19:33
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.5.3
Système d'exploitation : Wine in Linux Mint
Processeur : I7 7700
Mémoire RAM : 24GB DDR4

Re: Increase Font Sizes In PF

Message par DougGuy »

Antonio a écrit : 21 juil. 2023 9:33 not possible by setting. In windows you can change dpi system value, perhaps it's possible to do it with wine ?
YES! There is a dpi setting in wine configuration that lets user change the dpi from 96 to whatever setting works, now it's very easy to read! Thank you VERY MUCH!! Mark this one [SOLVED].
Messages : 9
Inscription : 05 déc. 2023 14:56
Version de PhotoFiltre : 2022
Système d'exploitation : windos
Processeur : intel i7
Mémoire RAM : 16GB

Re: Increase Font Sizes In PF

Message par JiyaHana »

PhotoFiltre 6.5.3 doesn't offer direct font size adjustments but try adjusting system DPI settings or exploring Wine configurations in Linux for potential indirect changes.