I know Delphi had a hard time with Unicode for years, but do you think you can add support for opening images from Unicode paths?
I often edit Hangul named files, and PhotoFiltre just sees question marks when opening images.
For example, 톱니바퀴_a.png just becomes ????_a.png in PFS, and then it can't even open it...
Unicode Support
Modérateur : Modérateurs
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 9
- Inscription : 24 avr. 2015 20:16
- Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.9.2
- Système d'exploitation : Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 12856
- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49
Re: Unicode Support
Delphi 7 don't support unicode, only Delphi XE but my code don't run with XE. lot of works to convert