DLL for Photoshop Plugins

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

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Jim Clatfelter

DLL for Photoshop Plugins

Message par Jim Clatfelter »

I asked on Harald's Heim's Plugin Site forum about a DLL for Photoshop Plugins. He says to get in touch with him. He knows of someone who has one. You can see my message and his response at http://www.graphicsgalaxy.com/forums/th ... php?t=1537

I'll be glad to donate toward buying this dll file. If I had PhotoFiltre with Photoshop plugins I'd have little need for other photo editors. Nothing even comes close for ease of use and versatility.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

Your proposal is very kind :) I hope Antonio will be interested because a lots of free Photoshop plugins are available on the Web :wink:
Anyway I'm not sure that layers will ensure a good compatibility :?

:arrow: Let's wait for Antonio's reply :wink:

Message par Invité »

Jim Clatfelter

DLL for Photoshop Plugins

Message par Jim Clatfelter »

Hello François,

Yes, we'll have to wait to see if Antonio is interested. I'd like to have this feature in the original PhotoFiltre as well as Studio. I'm going to buy Studio when it comes out, but I may continue using the original version as well.

I'm hoping the Edit/Fade command is still in the Studio version. I don't want to give that up. Setting the opacity of layers is not the same thing.

Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

yes of course :wink:
Jim Clatfelter

Edit / Fade

Message par Jim Clatfelter »

That's good news Antonio. Only PhotoFiltre and the full Photoshop program will have edit/fade AND layers. I can hardly wait to use it.

Jim Clatfelter


Message par Jim Clatfelter »


Did Harald get in touch with you? I'm wondering if the dll he knows about looks promising for PhotoFiltre.

Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

Yes but not the author of the dll...
Jim Clatfelter

Message par Jim Clatfelter »

I just got Harald Heim's Plugin News for the new month. He gives a link and a plug for PhotoFiltre.

"PhotoFiltre (for Windows) is an image editing tool with a lot of nice features. Many interesting plugins, which only work in PhotoFiltre, are also available for it. PhotoFiltre is free for a private, non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organizations)."

I'll be there are lots of new downloads and new fans from this.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 2950
Inscription : 08 mars 2004 18:17
Version de PhotoFiltre : Dernières de PF Free et PFS
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home SP2
Processeur : Athlon 64 3500+ non O/C
Mémoire RAM : 2x512 Mo en DC
Localisation : Essonne

Message par FrançoisL »

Jim Clatfelter a écrit :He gives a link and a plug for PhotoFiltre.
What do you mean exactly ?
Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

this photoshop dll is not free (500 USD) and for the moment i can not pay this :cry:

Message par Invité »

Sorry for the confusion François. A plug is a recommendation.


Maybe we can get some donations for this. I can pledge 100 USD if we can get enough to buy the dll. I'd rather spend it to create a PhotoFiltre with photoshop plugin compatibility than for Photoshop Elements 3. Let's see if others want this feaure enough to pledge something. It won't take very many small pledges to reach 500 USD.

Of course this depends on whether you approve of this. If this dll will do the job and you want to do the programming, I think we can all help to purchase the dll.

Let us know. We can start a pledge campaign. Maybe someone can post this proposal in the French section of the forum. There are many more participants there.

Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
Messages : 42
Inscription : 29 mars 2004 22:01
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.1.1 NL / 7.0.1 NL
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Pro/SP2
Processeur : Pentium IV @ 2,66 Ghz
Mémoire RAM : 704 MB
Localisation : Netherlands

Message par MightyKitten »

If Antonio wants to do this, He would be smart to wait until he has his business licence.

That way, het could buy it as an investment, making it possible to deduct it from any profit he will make...

Further more, he could get back any VAT payed on the producte (though I don't think this is an issue in this case, since I guess as a forgein product (USA) it should be taxed with 0%, but I'm only aware of the general European and the Dutch tax law, Maybe they do things different in France.)
Jim Clatfelter


Message par Jim Clatfelter »

Donations aren't taxed, are they?

I vote for getting on with it as soon as possible.

Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Message par Antonio »

I don't want user make donation for this because it's commercial and it's not for the site.

I will wait to see if i can sell some Studio lisences next month and with this money i will see...