Portrait - Replace half-closed eyes - => PF Studio

You need help to start ? Or to use a plugin ? Use the tutorials ! / Ĉu vi bezonas helpon por starti ? Aŭ por uzi etendadon ? Usu la Didaktikojn !

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Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Portrait - Replace half-closed eyes - => PF Studio

Message par Tom »


Perhaps, it happens that you take some group photos,
or a solo portrait on a well appreciated background,
and you realize with horror that one or more characters
had shut one's eyes tight.

Fortunately you have been far-sighted, and thought about doubling the catch,
or you have the chance to get a portrait of the same person,
in another context with a different background,
but with a lighting and an attitude quite close to the picture you want to enhance.

Well, I fairly like the background of the photo on the left and I will try to replace the face
of the anchorwoman, for the one of the right photo, which is much more to his advantage.

Image . . . Image

Following this tutorial for PhotoFiltre Studio :


here is something you can get :

Keywords for research : closed half-closed half change open eyes
Retry Man
Messages : 375
Inscription : 22 mai 2008 10:24
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF STUDIO X
Système d'exploitation : WİNDOWS10
Processeur : İCORE5
Mémoire RAM : 4GB
Localisation : Istanbul

Re: Portrait - Replace half-closed eyes - => PF Studio

Message par Retry Man »

thank you very much Tom :D , for all your helps, ... i am grateful ...
Messages : 13217
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Portrait - Replace half-closed eyes - => PF Studio

Message par Tom »

Hi Retry Man,

Thank you for your comment. It's a pleasure if my explanations are useful.
And when i can see so fine results with your nozzles, i'm very satisfied. :)