Color Replacement Option

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Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

Hello friends.
I wonder if the program has any color replacement feature.
Example: I have a drawing with 3 colors (blue, red, yellow) and I want to change only part of the color blue to green.
In MSPAINT and other programs there are features in this style. Example in MSPAINT when we have this arrangement, just use the rubber option, hold the CNTRL and right-click where it will replace the chosen secondary color.
Sometimes we do not want to use the fill fill option do you understand?
If this option does not exist I think it would be very useful in a next upgrade.
Thank you.

Sorry for my bad english.
Messages : 12873
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par Antonio »

I understand but don't forget MsPaint is for pixel art, photofiltre is for image retouching :wink:
Only fill function or use the pencil (pixel by pixel)
Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

this option also exists in photoshop and many other programs much simpler than the photofiltre. So I do not understand your logic.
then it would be a great addition to the software, or plugin

Messages : 2
Inscription : 26 avr. 2018 8:40
Version de PhotoFiltre : Jonathanzz
Système d'exploitation : Jonathanzz
Processeur : Jonathanzz
Mémoire RAM : Jonathanzz

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par Jonathanzz »

This topic is most useful.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

almost 1 year and still without a response. And still needing these extremely useful features. It is very annoying to have to change programs to accomplish only this task. :(
Messages : 14
Inscription : 06 déc. 2018 8:08
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.2.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
Processeur : Pentium D
Mémoire RAM : 3Gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par TinyAlien »

I understand your pain.

Its a pain in the backside to change only one part of an image's color. I usually do the trick of copying only that part of the image to a new layer, then using the Adjust > Hue / Saturation or Color Balance to fix it. The replace color and Replace color range are hit or miss but still useful in some situations.
Messages : 14
Inscription : 06 déc. 2018 8:08
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.2.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
Processeur : Pentium D
Mémoire RAM : 3Gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par TinyAlien »

I completely forgot another method to change color and its probably the best but doesn't work with all colors. I actually found this on a Photoshop tutorial! But it works ok here as well.

There secret is layer blend modes. Specifically color blend mode. So to use this:

1. With the image open that you want to color. Create a new blank layer above the image. (Layer > New > Blank)
2. Then set the Blend mode to color: On the right corner at the bottom there is an option called Blend Mode, its usually set to Normal, you need to set that to Color.
3. Now you can starting painting in any color you wish (use spray or paintbrush). but certain colors like white, grey and black don't affect the image as you would expect.

I recommend that for every new color you need to add to the picture you create a new color layer just for that color. This makes it easier to change colors in future. Also there is a related blend mode called Hue but it seems to be a hit or miss mode but still try it to change a particular color.

With Color Blend mode I was even able to colorize some of my Grandad's Photos! :P
Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

TinyAlien a écrit :I completely forgot another method to change color and its probably the best but doesn't work with all colors. I actually found this on a Photoshop tutorial! But it works ok here as well.


With Color Blend mode I was even able to colorize some of my Grandad's Photos! :P
Hello Friend. Thanks for answering.
In photoshop and other programs I know quietly do.
But in photofiltre I did not find anything like this.
And following your explanation, you do not have the Blend Mode option. I have the latest version installed.
Larger problem of making each layer with a color (in the case of that program) is that it honestly does not work as well so with multiple layers. And the work is bigger. sometimes you just need to change a little thing, a different colored outline, a scratch, and have a huge job being that is a ridiculous feature that even Paint Brush and other simple image editing programs have.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

TinyAlien a écrit :I understand your pain.

Its a pain in the backside to change only one part of an image's color. I usually do the trick of copying only that part of the image to a new layer, then using the Adjust > Hue / Saturation or Color Balance to fix it. The replace color and Replace color range are hit or miss but still useful in some situations.
Exact. It's one of the resources I use. Or I have to keep 2 programs open. What will take me an hour to abandon the photofiltre and be alone with others who have this feature.
The problem is that it generates a long and unnecessary work. Sometimes it's a simple thing, just a scratch, a dash, a bit of the image. And then you lose 10x more time than if you had such a simple resource.
Unfortunately I do not know how to do a plugin and I do not know anyone who does. If not I would ask to make one for this program.
Messages : 14
Inscription : 06 déc. 2018 8:08
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.2.1
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
Processeur : Pentium D
Mémoire RAM : 3Gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par TinyAlien »

Here are the basic steps to change the blend mode in Photofiltre 7:

You will need to experiment with different blend modes and with how they react with different colors. The problem is no blend mode will work perfectly in all situations. For example black will not work well with the color blend mode, it will actually turn things white! Also blend modes only work when there are at least 2 or more layers in an image.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 11 mars 2018 16:45
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : i5 3470
Mémoire RAM : 8gb

Re: Color Replacement Option

Message par prophanvs »

after LONG, LONG time, the only way I was able to resolve this issue is as follows: Go to mine in the option FILTER / REPLACE COLOR.
And adjust the tolerance until you reach the point you like. So the whole color of the selected one will be changed.
But honestly, it is such a valuable resource and that even in programs 100x worse, they have, that it is sad that a program like this does not have a brush with a color replacement feature.