Canon MP280:
preview = ok
scan = NO (sistem bloked)
Scanner Canon MP280
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- Messages : 3
- Inscription : 06 août 2016 16:26
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10.1
- Système d'exploitation : windows 10
- Processeur : intel i7
- Mémoire RAM : 8 gb
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 12871
- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49
Re: Scanner Canon MP280
check first if you have the last twain drivers for your scanner
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- Messages : 3
- Inscription : 06 août 2016 16:26
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10.1
- Système d'exploitation : windows 10
- Processeur : intel i7
- Mémoire RAM : 8 gb
Re: Scanner Canon MP280
Sono aggiornati. Il problema dello scanner non riconosciuto da Photofiltre mi si presenta da anni, prima con Lexmark, poi con HP, ora con Canon.
Se viene riconosciuto in fase di anteprima, perchè non viene riconosciuto quando deve scanerizzare? Grazie
Updated. The problem with the scanner is not recognized by Photofiltre presents itself to me for years, first with Lexmark, then with HP, now with Canon.
If it is recognized in the preview stage, because it is not recognized when it has scanerizzare? Thank you
Mise à jour. Le problème avec le scanner est pas reconnu par Photofiltre se présente à moi pendant des années, d'abord avec Lexmark, puis avec HP, maintenant avec Canon.
Si elle est reconnue à l'étape de prévisualisation, car il est pas reconnu quand il a scanerizzare? merci
Se viene riconosciuto in fase di anteprima, perchè non viene riconosciuto quando deve scanerizzare? Grazie
Updated. The problem with the scanner is not recognized by Photofiltre presents itself to me for years, first with Lexmark, then with HP, now with Canon.
If it is recognized in the preview stage, because it is not recognized when it has scanerizzare? Thank you
Mise à jour. Le problème avec le scanner est pas reconnu par Photofiltre se présente à moi pendant des années, d'abord avec Lexmark, puis avec HP, maintenant avec Canon.
Si elle est reconnue à l'étape de prévisualisation, car il est pas reconnu quand il a scanerizzare? merci
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 3
- Inscription : 06 août 2016 16:26
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10.1
- Système d'exploitation : windows 10
- Processeur : intel i7
- Mémoire RAM : 8 gb
Re: Scanner Canon MP280
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- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 12871
- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49
Re: Scanner Canon MP280
sorry but no solution for the moment
I know there are this bug with some scanner but don't know why...

I know there are this bug with some scanner but don't know why...
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 13223
- Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35
Re: Scanner Canon MP280
When you try to use your scanner from the PhotoFiltre application, you think your work as a pull action,webmaster. a écrit :.../...
Personne ne peut me aider?
No one is able to help me?
intend to get back the image from the scan. Ok it doesn't work as expected...

But you can think your work as a push action : most of scanner models have a specific sofware program which can push the result :
- some of them can transmit (or pass hand) the image result to an image-editor application, perhaps PhotoFiltre.
You have to look into the settings of the scanner software if this option do exist.
- and most of them can automatically save the image result in a folder defined in the settings. So you can also scan your images by lot,
may be in PNG or Tiff format (lost-less).
and of course you can open this folder and double clic these images to open them (push again) with PhotoFiltre
(if associated in Windows settings to this file format).