Tutorial / How Edit Landscape Photographs
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- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 17
- Inscription : 01 mars 2014 11:38
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.10.1
- Système d'exploitation : win 8.1
- Processeur : 2.80
- Mémoire RAM : 8gb
- Localisation : algerie
Tutorial / How Edit Landscape Photographs
Original pice ( Stocke )
http://mcnairphotography.deviantart.com ... -190928815
after make effect
http://midodellouche.deviantart.com/art ... 1459443070
speed art how make effect
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 18 avr. 2018 21:36
- Version de PhotoFiltre : Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Système d'exploitation : Windows 10
- Processeur : Intel(R) Pentium (R) CPU 987@ 1,50 GHz 1,5 GHz
- Mémoire RAM : 4 Gb
Re: Tutorial / How Edit Landscape Photographs
wow, thank you friend))) You helped me cool this post))
I like to learn something new)
Now I will read more of your topics.
Сool, Mechanic
I like to learn something new)
Now I will read more of your topics.
Сool, Mechanic
Re: Tutorial / How Edit Landscape Photographs
Thank you mate! I am a newbie and always happy to learn some new things. Seems like this forum will help me to develop myself. Great content. Looking forward to see more of your tutorials. Greetings.