Quick Compatibility Question

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Quick Compatibility Question

Message par b1rd »

Hi and thanks for taking the time to look over my question.

Can somebody please let me know if the latest free version of PhotoFiltre (I think it's release 7.2.0) is compatible with Windows-10 / 64 bit? If not, does anyone know if the portable version would be safe to use instead?

Thanks again,
Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Re: Quick Compatibility Question

Message par b1rd »

I decided to just try it anyhow, and it does seem to work fine. Win-10 does allow you to run it in a compatibility mode, which I did, however it seemed to run fine even before I used that feature. I am talking about the full install, and not the portable version.

I figured I post back in case anybody else wanted to know.

Messages : 12830
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Quick Compatibility Question

Message par Antonio »

thanks for this info; i have not windows 10 for the moment :wink: