HTML 2 is from 1995. So its 20 years old and alot of things have happens since.
Also your code is not HTML 2, because there are no <frameset> in HTML 2 i think.
You can validate your code with but first you have to decide what standard to use.
I would recommend HTML5.
You can use CSS instead of all the <b> and <font>.
Its easier to make style changes to the whole website if you use CSS for all the styling and keep it in a CSS file.
Also most of the pages dont have a doctype, so if you add doctype you can be more sure to get the same look in different browsers.
If you want to redirect you can do it with ".htaccess" file if your using Apache.
I think its confusing when you search for photofiltre in a search engine and three different websites show up, which one do i choose.
HTML5 offers new possibilities, for example you can add videos, and you can use canvas to draw things with JavaScript, maybe that would be interesting.
Also you could add favicon.
And convert your files to UTF-8 so you can write Français instead of Français.
And add meta description to each page for search engines to show.