need help with simple design

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need help with simple design

Message par taifun »

Hi to all, I am a bit of a graphics dummy and in need of some advice. I'm sure this is quite easy to achieve, but I've already put in more time than I'd like to. We're having a party upcoming weekend and I've been charged with making decent looking beverage/consumption cards, you know the kind: with 5 or 10 tick boxes and on top of the card "name of party - beverage card", something along those lines. To make it look a bit cool, I proposed that I'd put the party logo "behind" the tick boxes as a background. I'd like to put this jpg picture I have on my hd in a kind of hazy, transparent version on the card. Transparent so as not to hinder the readability of the rest of the card, also giving the effect that it is a background and the tick boxes and text are all on the foreground and properly visible. I have made some lousy attempts in excel and ulead photo impact. I can get close, but not close enough (probably due to my non-existing gfx skills and lack of experience). I've been trying to do this with PhotoFiltre, but I can't get the text to appear in the top of the image, it is always dead center. Also, is there any way that I can create a grid (meaning tick boxes) to serve the purpose of a beverage card?

Could anyone give me a tip or two on how to actually achieve the effect I am after? It would be very much appreciated!
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: need help with simple design

Message par Tom »

taifun a écrit :.../... I've been trying to do this with PhotoFiltre, but I can't get the text to appear in the top of the image, it is always dead center. .../...
When the text appears you can activate the layer manager tools in the tools panel, (or enter W key)
and the arrows keys help you to displace the text (lock the shift key to displace by 8 to 8 pixels).
With the mouse you need to point a solid part of the text to drag it where you want.
When you point on a transparent area of a layer, the focus goes through until the first solid area on a lower layer.
To modify this behaviour : Preferences/Other/Auto select layer and uncheck the box.

To set transparency of the text : in the layer manager tool decrease the Opacity.

To draw a grid : menu Filter/Other/Grid generator