photofiltre X

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 6
Inscription : 28 mars 2012 13:53
Version de PhotoFiltre : 9.2.2
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : amd
Mémoire RAM : 2gig

photofiltre X

Message par gordo52 »

Hi I am having a tryout of the latest version, with a view to buy.

Just a couple of questions

The image when open has a filmstrip on the left side is there a way of changing or disabling that.

The image when open goes to the left of the work area, is there a way of centering the image to work on.

Also is there a list of 8bf that will work with PFX
Messages : 6
Inscription : 28 mars 2012 13:53
Version de PhotoFiltre : 9.2.2
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : amd
Mémoire RAM : 2gig

Re: photofiltre X

Message par gordo52 »

Found one of the things I wanted to do, the filmstrip is controlled by the Layer thumbnail on the View menu

Just would like to work on an image more central if possible
Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: photofiltre X

Message par Antonio »

Just would like to work on an image more central if possible
==> not possible, allways at top/left
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: photofiltre X

Message par Tom »

I wonder if you have tried to uncheck the menu View / Maximize window when opening ?
After this, each image you open will be in his proper window frame that you can displace in the PhotoFiltre's workspace.
Messages : 6
Inscription : 28 mars 2012 13:53
Version de PhotoFiltre : 9.2.2
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : amd
Mémoire RAM : 2gig

Re: photofiltre X

Message par gordo52 »

thanks for replies. I tried that Tom unless I missing something, I can't say I noticed much difference when checking/unchecking the Maximize window when opening .

It isn't a problem just a personal pref, after a long time on Photoshop I suppose....

thanx again
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: photofiltre X

Message par Tom »



Not Maximized

Messages : 6
Inscription : 28 mars 2012 13:53
Version de PhotoFiltre : 9.2.2
Système d'exploitation : windows 7
Processeur : amd
Mémoire RAM : 2gig

Re: photofiltre X

Message par gordo52 »

sorry Tom.. I must have been having a total mental block, :D Got what you mean now. how stupidof me. I do have to take some heavy pain killers and have been known to do strange things :oops:

Thanks again....
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: photofiltre X

Message par Tom »

I must have been having a total mental block
Knowbody is stupid when he thinks he uses the right way to do what seams a simple thing. :)
From the eighteen years, with the raise of the computers, i try to "change my mind" when i can't solve a problem by a classic way.
I had understood at this moment that even if i do a process twice, i have many chances to get the same result. :lol:
But i agree, it's not easy to change a point of view, despite that : if i can't push, i try to get round and check if there is some way to pull. ;)