Photoshop plugins

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 131
Inscription : 26 août 2010 1:15
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0.0
Système d'exploitation : windows xp sp2
Processeur : Intel p4 2800mhz
Mémoire RAM : 1.5 gig

Photoshop plugins

Message par Shinnen »

I have a copy of Photoshop 6, which I have transplanted the plugins (*.8bf files) from, into Photofiltre 6.5, according to an article, I don't recall the name of. I can see the plugins under 'Filter/Plug-in/8bf filters', but when I click on them I either get no response, or 'access violation'.... none of them open. I feel like I'm close, but am missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
.... john
P.S. I had to add the Photoshop's plugin.dll to Photofiltres main directory to be able to see the plugins.
Messages : 12873
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Antonio »

Native Photoshop plugins don't work correctelly in another program.

With PhotoFiltre Studio X, you can run some 8BF plugins, but not with PhotoFiltre V6
Messages : 131
Inscription : 26 août 2010 1:15
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0.0
Système d'exploitation : windows xp sp2
Processeur : Intel p4 2800mhz
Mémoire RAM : 1.5 gig

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Shinnen »

Thanks Antonio,
That will save me a lot of searching.
.... john
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Tom »


sorry Antonio, it seems you forget the "8bfFilters.pfl" plugin from Lambourne which allows to work with some 8bf plugins in PF6. ;)

Web site:

Yes for the Photoshop plugins, it's very hard to work with, even in Studio release.

@ Shinnen : the plugin.dll must be set in c:\WINDOWS\system32 folder to work correctly.
Have a look in the 8bfFilters.txt file within the plugin : Lambourne gives some usefull informations.
Messages : 131
Inscription : 26 août 2010 1:15
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0.0
Système d'exploitation : windows xp sp2
Processeur : Intel p4 2800mhz
Mémoire RAM : 1.5 gig

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Shinnen »

Hi Tom,
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. I copied the plugins from an installed Photoshop 6 application I have on another computer, and pasted them into Photofiltre's Plugins/8bfFiltres/plugins directory. Then I copied plugin.dll from the Photoshop installation and pasted it into Photofiltre's master directory. (I have also tried pasting it into other directories, including the system32 directory, and I still get 'access violation' errors when I try to open the plugins (8bfFilteres) in Photofiltre's Plug-in directory.)
..... john
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Tom »

Yes i think we are speaking about the same matter : Antonio has already answered and i too :
the plugins from Photoshop are now modified so they can't be used in other softs,
the old ones like LightingEffects.8bf (1998) still works, but if you can still find it.
(All the sites where it could be found before have been cleaned for applying the new rules of author rights.)
I had tried some recent versions and it didn't match.
Messages : 131
Inscription : 26 août 2010 1:15
Version de PhotoFiltre : 7.0.0
Système d'exploitation : windows xp sp2
Processeur : Intel p4 2800mhz
Mémoire RAM : 1.5 gig

Re: Photoshop plugins

Message par Shinnen »

Hi Tom,
OK...... I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that the Photoshop files would work.
My mistake. Thanks for clearing it up.
...... john