
All about plugins : Suggestions, bugs, etc... /
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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 3
Inscription : 27 janv. 2011 16:10
Version de PhotoFiltre : 10.3.2
Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
Processeur : 64 bit
Mémoire RAM : 4


Message par crollinsphoto »

Is there a plugin or a way to do 3D text like you can in Photoshop CS5? You need a certain video card to that in CS5 and I do not have it so I was wanting to know if Phoofiltre had a way of doing 3D text or items.

Thank you.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: 3D

Message par Tom »

I have no idea that actualy Photoshop can do, but there are some usefull functions in PF Studio to work in 3D.
For example : menu Filter / Stylize /
Give us a link to see such pictures and understand in which way looking for.

Any way if you are searching for a plugin, i think you prefer an automatic way to process,
so you have better time to use dedicated tools in Open Office, because they work in vectorial design.
You can then copy / paste your result in PF Studio and continue your processing.
But with some practice it is quite possible to do fine 3D images in PF Studio too.