i'd like to store photofiltre settings in a default user profile that will be used for new created users on a Windows XP machine. This users should have set the default open and save path to their documents path "D:\Documents\%USERNAME%".
My entry in PhotoFiltre.ini looks like this:
But this doesn't work. Because PhotoFiltre doesn't find this path, it uses its program folder for open and save dialog.
I use this method in ini files and/or registry settings for many programs and most time it works. Is there a special format or a workaround for PhotoFiltre?
Usage of environment variables in PhotoFiltre.ini
Modérateur : Modérateurs
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 2
- Inscription : 16 avr. 2010 8:20
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.4.0
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP
- Processeur : Intel Core2
- Mémoire RAM : 2GB
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 12856
- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49
Re: Usage of environment variables in PhotoFiltre.ini
photofiltre need exact path name, no dynamic
- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 2
- Inscription : 16 avr. 2010 8:20
- Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.4.0
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP
- Processeur : Intel Core2
- Mémoire RAM : 2GB
Re: Usage of environment variables in PhotoFiltre.ini
ok, then i found a workaround for solution. i post it here if somebody else has the same problem:
remove this lines from <default user profile>\<appdata>\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.ini:
create a batch file and place it into <default user profile>\<start menu>\<Programs>\<Autostart>
the batch file will run on first login of the new user and deletes itself afterwards. it will place the customized lines into a new ini, paste the old ini after that and replace the old ini with the new.
remove this lines from <default user profile>\<appdata>\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.ini:
Code : Tout sélectionner
Code : Tout sélectionner
@echo off
set INIFILE="%APPDATA%\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.ini"
set INIFILENEW="%APPDATA%\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre-new.ini"
echo [Params] > %INIFILENEW%
echo Open="D:\Documents\%USERNAME%" >> %INIFILENEW%
echo Save= >> %INIFILENEW%
del /f %0
- Administrateur(trice)|Administrateur|Administratrice
- Messages : 12856
- Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49