Circular Gauss effect - GIMP plug-ins

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 1
Inscription : 20 janv. 2010 10:59
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.4
Système d'exploitation : Win7
Processeur : Intel Dual Core 3Ghz
Mémoire RAM : 6 Gbyte

Circular Gauss effect - GIMP plug-ins

Message par DMD »

Hello Antonio, I love your tools!! I have been looking for a smart small graphic tool, and I was using GIMP up 'til now. But sometimes it is toooo big for quick work, with the right quality - and that is what PhotoFiltre is.

Hello all,
sometimes I need a circular gauss effect. This is useful for creating motion in rotating objects.
I am useless in creating plug-ins, therefore sorry not creating one, but my thought is to include GIMP plug-ins into the PhotoFiltre.
I have seen many discussions on Photoshop Plugins, but as there might be the problem getting the correct source code, this should be no problem or?
Messages : 12876
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Circular Gauss effect - GIMP plug-ins

Message par Antonio »

No problem for the idea, what did you need ?
photofiltre source can be find on the linux projetct site :