How do you make these userboxes in PhotoFiltre 6.3.2?:
http://userboxz.lewisoft.net/forum/albu ... ?cat_id=10
Userbox => PF6
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- Messages : 4
- Inscription : 13 mars 2009 7:06
- Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre 6.3.2
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP SP2
- Processeur : Intel Pentium 4
- Mémoire RAM : 256 MB
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- Messages : 13223
- Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35
Re: Userbox => PF6
do you realy think they are entirely made with a picture editor ?
It seams instead they are done by copy and past or crop, just add a frame menu Image / Outside frame.
What wan't you know exactly ? Had you seen the tutorials page ? : http://photofiltre.free.fr/frames_en.htm
do you realy think they are entirely made with a picture editor ?

It seams instead they are done by copy and past or crop, just add a frame menu Image / Outside frame.
What wan't you know exactly ? Had you seen the tutorials page ? : http://photofiltre.free.fr/frames_en.htm
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- Messages : 4
- Inscription : 13 mars 2009 7:06
- Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre 6.3.2
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP SP2
- Processeur : Intel Pentium 4
- Mémoire RAM : 256 MB
Re: Userbox => PF6
Tutorial page does not tell me much.
Please still show me how to make the userboxes.
Please still show me how to make the userboxes.
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- Messages : 13223
- Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35
Re: Userbox => PF6
Where is the problem ? I don't understand what you couldn't do by yourself about your example.
The tutorials are not only to be red, but they need to be used and practised.
The tutorials are not only to be red, but they need to be used and practised.

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- Messages : 4
- Inscription : 13 mars 2009 7:06
- Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre 6.3.2
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP SP2
- Processeur : Intel Pentium 4
- Mémoire RAM : 256 MB
Re: Userbox => PF6
Well there are tutorials to make userbars and userboxz for more advance photo editing software like photoshop and gimp. It's probably not easy as you think.
How do you make this in photofiltre?:

How do you make this in photofiltre?:
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- Messages : 13223
- Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35
Re: Userbox => PF6

- 1 - Open a new image
- 2 - Menu Filter / Color / Gradient
- 3 - Draw an ellipse selection
- 4 - Invert selection
- 5 - Increase gammas level
- 6 - Hide selection
- 7 - Menu Image / Outside frame
- 8 - Select all / Right click / Stroke and fill / Stroke
- 9 - Copy and paste any frog you wish

- Nouveau(elle)|Nouveau|Nouvelle
- Messages : 4
- Inscription : 13 mars 2009 7:06
- Version de PhotoFiltre : PhotoFiltre 6.3.2
- Système d'exploitation : Windows XP SP2
- Processeur : Intel Pentium 4
- Mémoire RAM : 256 MB
Re: Userbox => PF6
That helps. Thanks.