You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?
After you make your selection, move the arrow inside the selection. Notice that the shape of the arrow changes. Hold down the left mouse button. Now you can move the selection. You don't need the extra step required by to enable it. It's enabled automatically.
Im talking about moving a highlighted selection (the selected pixels) of a image like what even MS Paint can do - this is what I mean. Currently when a selection is made only the selectedt box is movable but NOT the pixels selected
why wont can't this simple feature be in PhotoFiltre, im using 9.1
To move the pixels, just make your selection, then Copy (Ctrl-C) and Paste (Ctrl-V). You can use the toolbar icons for copy and paste instead. This creates a new layer with just the selected pixels. Now you can move the selected pixels wherever you want them. When you are finished, press Shift-Enter to merge the layers.
I ALREADY KNOW THE COPY + PASTE METHOD - That is why a move selection feature like the one I outlined in Paint.NET and like the one in every other image editor is needed for PhotoFiltre.
Why do I have to keep saving and switiching to other image editors when I should be able to do with PhotoFiltre it is a great annoyance !!
I read on the forums here that the author himself, Antonio, does not persoanlly "like it" - well that is fine but his application (photofiltre) is enjoyed by many like myself who would at least like the option
please do not reply to tell me about the copy + paste of pixels method that we all already know. Copy and paste is just extra work when most times you just wanna move an area of the image a few spaces or so without making another layer or duplicate
- any other support from people here for the move pixel selection, it should be as simple as the method
C'mon, all it takes is three keystrokes to do it in PFS. What extra work is that? You don't even have to select a special tool from the palette.
Why would I assume you know the copy-paste-move method anyway? You're saving and switching to another editor just to move selected pixels a few spaces? Now that's extra work for sure -- a lot more work than three simple keystrokes. I can hardly believe anyone would switch editors for such a simple operation. I repeat -- THREE KEYSTROKES.
All Im saying is that other editors even the smalles I have encountered have the simple feature. Three keystrokes work fine yes but not everyone like me find it as convenient as a simpe select and drag.
Even crappy MS Paint has it. All I am saying is that it should be as an option in the pallette alongside the existing method of copy+paste
I don't see any benefit to enable a new function which will specify the behaviour of the selection.
When your selection is done, a right clic and Duplicate, so you can drag your selected object everywhere you want,
you can crop it, refine its borders, apply any filter, and specificaly you can modify it till the end of your work.
What more simple and convenient ?
Each tool has its constraints, but the main constraints to use them are in our mind.
Well at the end of the day it is up to what the majority call for
I am not the first to suggest this feature and I think I may not be the last... It would just be nice to have this 'tiny' feature available in the palette
Two reasons of my own in which make the 'move selection' a viable feature for the next version:
1. It is needed for large editting canvases in where I have an assortment of images on a large canvas e.g. 2000x2000 which I often use - copy+paste is not the most handiest here.
2. 'Duplicate' does not seem to work on transparent images that I am editting when again all I want is to move an image to the otherside with a simple select and drag
3. Ah yes at times when I have to copy+paste the then pasted image copied ends up in odd places either at the top corner of the canvas or at any random spot in where with lots of images can get confusing
please, please developer of this lovely application consider this for next/after next release of PhotoFiltre, I am not asking for a big feature on this one only that I am so use to move selection although