Customizable plugins

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carlo taradel
Messages : 271
Inscription : 10 oct. 2005 21:52
Version de PhotoFiltre : PF-PFS
Système d'exploitation : win XP pro- ubuntu_ breeze
Processeur : recycled from waste bin
Mémoire RAM : 1026
Localisation : Roma-Amsterdam-?

Customizable plugins

Message par carlo taradel »

it's a heavy download, and his often slow in rendering, and pfs is not a official host ( but it works on PFS on my laptop )
Still is quite interesting plugin tool ....a lot of plugin are downloadable...and more interesting more can be done ,in a Frankstein way,from scrap , and all could be edited

It's shareware free if you create some interesting plugin with it and you share them

Plugin are not self standing they can be used only if you get that tool installed
