image sizew (larger)

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image sizew (larger)

Message par keitht1958 »

windows 11 pro x64 32GB ram virtual memory paging file 13048 MB
PhotoFiltre 7 v 7.2.1

i want to enlarge photo and save to desktop i have 2 versions of jpeg
1 665 x 887 pixels 426 KB 72 DPI
1 770 x 1502 pixels 547 KB 600 DPI
i can increase canvas size but if i increase image size or fit image
then either photo stays same size or with larger pixel settings i get out of memory errors
i have tried pixels, percentage, inches, centimetres.
i dont want to print just save to desktop as a bigger photo
i can lose some quality if necessary
and filesize is not important.
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: image sizew (larger)

Message par Antonio »

don't understand becaus I work with photo bigger than 4000x4000 pixels, 1 770 x 1502 is not a big image it's just a med image. Perhaps you have lot of applications opened ?
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: image sizew (larger)

Message par Antonio »

Maybe you are confusing image size in pixels with screen image size, i.e. zoom ?
To magnify the screen change the display zoom (View menu)