Shrink Image cannot restore with button

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 2
Inscription : 23 mai 2022 14:16
Version de PhotoFiltre : basic - pgotoshop
Système d'exploitation : linux-mint
Processeur : i7 nxt gen
Mémoire RAM : 32 GB

Shrink Image cannot restore with button

Message par akbenjamin »

When I shrink an image by clicking the - (dash) button (orange arrow) the restore buttons are not visible on the bar at the bottom of the workspace (blue arrow) of the image that has been shrunk.

If I move the mouse pointer to the image all I can see is the Close X button and I have not been able to restore an image, just close it out (red arrow)

I have uninstalled PhotoFiltre Studio X, run CCleaner and deleted files/folders from C\Program Files (x86)\Photo Filtre Studio X (could not find anything in the AppData folder) and reinstalled the program -- without luck.

Any suggestions, please?
Messages : 12835
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Re: Shrink Image cannot restore with button

Message par Antonio »

i think you resized the image windows, not the image. To resize the image use the menu Image > Image size only
Messages : 2
Inscription : 23 mai 2022 14:16
Version de PhotoFiltre : basic - pgotoshop
Système d'exploitation : linux-mint
Processeur : i7 nxt gen
Mémoire RAM : 32 GB

Re: Shrink Image cannot restore with button

Message par akbenjamin »

Antonio a écrit :i think you resized the image windows, not the image. To resize the image use the menu Image > Image size only
Okay, I will try, I was thinking about something different approach but I will try this one also, Thanks for the response. :)