PhotoFiltre 11.6.1 english (64-bit & Unicode)

You think you have found a bug ? You've got a suggestion to modify PhotoFiltre ? /
Ĉu vi opinias vi trovis malbonadĵon ? Ĉu vi havas sugeston por modifi PhotoFiltre ?

Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

PhotoFiltre 11.6.1 english (64-bit & Unicode)

Message par Antonio »

You need at least 64-bit vista with Microsoft Visual C ++ redistributables for Visual Studio 2015

PhotoFiltre 11 is shareware and is limited to a 30-day trial period. At the end of the 30-day trial period, if you want to continue using it you will need to purchase a registration key. If, on the other hand you no longer want to continue using the program you must remove it from your system immediately.

:arrow: Setup version (includes redistribuables, 30 Mb / may 2024) ... _setup.exe

:arrow: Portable version (16 Mb / may 2024) ...

1) Download and unzip the files to a folder of your choice on the PC.

2) Check that you have the redistributables in the list of your installed applications
(in general the 2013 is installed but you need the 2015-2019 in 64-bit)

:arrow: Launch PhotoFiltre 11 to see if no error message is displayed (dll missing for example).
If everything is ok, when opening an image, you should have the list of all supported formats.
You will notice the native support for raw, hdr, webp, jpeg2000, ...

:arrow: License
You can use a PhotoFiltre Studio X license, just enter it in PhotoFiltre 11.
To purchase a license use this link

:arrow: If your goal is to regularly use 32-bit plugins and 32-bit 8BF, it is better to download the Studio X (32-bit) version.
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Plugins and 8bf compatibility

Message par Antonio »

:arrow: 8BF filters in 64-bit

They must be placed in the [8bf_64] folder.
Usually the filename should contain "64" somewhere.
They are accessible with the command [8BF > Filter]

:arrow: 8BF filters in 32-bit

They must be placed in the [8bf] folder.
These plugins are then accessible with the command [Filter > PhotoBridge*] (in PhotoFiltre 11).
(you can configure the folder containing these filters)
==> All 8BF working with PhotoFiltre Studio X, also works with PhotoBridge

:arrow: Plugins in 64-bit

These are the native plugins for PhotoFiltre 11. They must be placed in the [Plugins_64] folder.
Usually the file name should end with "_64.pfl".
Depending on the type of plugin, they are accessible with the menu Filter, Image, File and Tools.

:arrow: Plugins in 32-bit

These are the old 32-bit plugins from PhotoFiltre Studio. They must be placed in the [Plugins] folder.
These plugins are then accessible with the command [Filter > PhotoBridge*] (in PhotoFiltre 11).
Import type plugins are not supported, nor plugins that are too "specific".
==> see the [Appendices] section (below) for the list of compatible 32-bit plugins

(*) PhotoBridge
This application is developed in 32-bits to guarantee the compatibility of plugins and 8bf in 32-bit.
It is located in the [Plugins] folder and serves as a bridge between PhotoFiltre 11 and 32-bit libraries.
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49


Message par Antonio »

:arrow: Plugins 64-bit
- Contact sheet ...
This plugin must be copied into the folder [Plugins_64]. It is a [Tools] plugin.

:arrow: Shell extension ...
This extension must be copied into the folder [Plugins_64]. To activate use the menu [Tools > Extension Shell]
- It is absolutely necessary to launch PhotoFiltre 11 in administrator mode
- Do not use in portable mode (USB, external disk, ...) because it requires a static installation on your PC disk

:arrow: Digitize images / Twain
PhotoFiltre 11 contains a 32-bit module which allows to perform single scan. For more complex operations (batch scan) you must use an external software.
If you have manufacturer software you can use it directly, otherwise here are 2 free utilities:
- NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner 2):
- EsayScan (Follow the tutorial proposed by Tom): ... oogle.html
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49

Language files

Message par Antonio »

Copy the file contained in the zip archive into the PhotoFiltre 11 install folder (at the same level as PhotoFiltre11.exe).
Only the first PLG file found is loaded, no need to install several!

:arrow: English

:arrow: Italian
Translated by A. & M. Gianardi & M. Sergio & L. Snoriguzzi

:arrow: German
Translated by Hans Wrobel & Achim Feldmann & Bernd & Dieter Sikoll

:arrow: Spanish
Translated by Tugui & CeRbErO & Tito & Maurizio Velasquez

:arrow: Polish (unicode)
Translated by Bogdan Ruszczak & Paweł Wojtyła & m-r-x & Marek Stasiak

:arrow: Brazillian
Translated by João Antonio & Luis Valente & Ifiult & luxther defaul & Amir Antunes Dos Santos & Silvio Faria
Html files Translated by Silvio Faria

:arrow: Nederlands (Dutch)
Translated by Jeroen de Bruijn & Marga de Bruyne & Frans Bronselaer & Fred van Waard

:arrow: Korean (unicode)
Translated by bhleejw & VenusGirl

:arrow: Swedish (UTF8)
Translated by Lars Carlsson & Peter Johansson & Mats Karlsson & Lasse Wannberg (LGW)

:arrow: Ukrainian (UTF8)
Translated by Bormintal & JD

:arrow: Russian (UTF8)
Translated by Andre Steinmetz & Adept & VictorVG & JD

:arrow: Czech (UTF8)
Translated by Petr Škoda & Patrik Špaňo & Zbyněk Hejlík

:arrow: Hungarian (UTF8)
Translated by Tarjányi Csaba & Tomi Mészáros & Tóth Roland
Text/doc files translated by Tóth Roland

:arrow: Japanese (UTF8+)
Translated by X-WORKS & KATSURA K

:arrow: Estonian
Translated by Mihkel Tonnov & Ivar. H

If you want to update the old translation files, please contact me by email
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49


Message par Antonio »

:arrow: Opening formats

PhotoFiltre Image (pfi)
Windows Metafile (wmf, emf)
Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (bmp)
Windows Icon (ico)
JPEG - JFIF Compliant (jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe)
JPEG Network Graphics (jng)
C64 Koala Graphics (koa)
IFF Interleaved Bitmap (iff, Ibm)
Multiple-image Network Graphics (mng)
Portable Bitmap (pbm)
Kodak PhotoCD (pcd)
Zsoft Paintbrush (pcx)
Portable Greymap (pgm)
Portable Network Graphics (png)
Portable Pixelmap (ppm)
Sun Raster Image (ras)
Truevision Targa (tga, targa)
Tagged image File Format (tif, tiff)
Wireless Bitmap (wap, wbmp, wbm)
Adobe Photoshop (psd, psb)
Dr. Halo (cut)
X11 Bitmap Format (xbm)
X11 Pixmap Format (xpm)
Direct Surface (dds)
Graphics Interchange Format (gif)
High Dynamic Rage Image (hdr)
Run fax format CCITT G.3 (g3)
SGI Image Format (sgi, rgb, rgba, bw)
ILM OptionEXR (exr)
JPEG-2000 codestream (j2k, j2c)
JPEG-2000 File Format (jp2)
Portable floatmap (pfm)
Macintosh PICT (pct, pict, pic)
Google WebP image format (webp)
JPEG XR image format (jxr, wdp, hdp)
Raw camera image (3fr, arw, bay, bmq, cap, cine, cr2, crw, cs1, dc2, dcr, drf, dsc, dng, erf, fff, ia, iiq, k25, kc2,
kdc, mdc, mef, mos, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, pef, ptx, pxn, qtk, raf, raw, rdc, rw2, rwl, rwz, sr2, srf, srw, sti, x3f

:arrow: Saving formats

PhotoFiltre Image (pfi)
Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (bmp)
JPEG - JFIF Compliant (jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe)
Portable Network Graphics (png)
Graphics Interchange Format (gif)
RLE (rle)
Truevision Targa (tga, targa)
Tagged image File Format (tif, tiff)
JPEG XR image format (jxr, wdp, hdp)
JPEG-2000 File Format (jp2)
Google WebP image format (webp)
X11 Pixmap Format (xpm)

:arrow: Plugins 32-bit compatible with PhotoBridge

Arithmetic (Arithmetique.pfl, partial compatibility)
BumpMap (BumpMap.pfl)
Curl (Corne.pfl)
Curves (Courbes.pfl)
Dead pixels (PixelsMorts.pfl)
Deformation (Deformation.pfl)
Denoise (denoise.pfl)
DExFx (dexfx.pfl)
Diffusion B&W (DiffisionNB.pfl)
Engraving (Gravue.pfl)
Fisheye correction (Fisheye.pfl)
Gradient (Degrade.pfl)
Histogram editor (Histogramme.pfl)
Lens (Lentille.pfl)
Measurements (Mesures.pfl)
Modules information (PlgInfos.pfl)
Paste Into (CollerDedans.pfl, partial compatibility)
Rasterize (rasterize.pfl)
Red eyes correction (redeye.pfl)
Red eyes removal (readjust.pfl)
RGB Fantasy (RVBFantaisie.pfl)
RGB Layers mixer (rgbmixer.pfl)
Theta Lumineux (Theta_Lumineux.pfl)
Tornade (Tornade.pfl)
TransformToRect (PTransformtoRect-FR.pfl)
TSL Selective (hslselect.pfl)
White Balance (Wbalance.pfl)
White balance adjustment (wbadjust.pfl)
Messages : 12872
Inscription : 28 oct. 2003 22:49


Message par Antonio »

:arrow: Version 11.6.1 (may 2024)

- Fixed a bug in Line tool (undo)
- Fixed a bug in Image Explorer sorting
- Fixed display bugs in Hi-Dpi (button size)
- Reduction of the height of the tool palette and minimum button size increased to 25 (for display in "GDI Scaled")
- Basic modules are Hi-Dpi (PhotoBridge, PF CircleText, PF Twain)

:arrow: Version 11.6.0 (march 2024)

- New module for writing in an arc of a circle (PFCircleText, available in the menu [Layer > New])
- It is possible to add plugins in stand-alone version so that they behave like filters (G'MIC, Viveza, Dfine, ...)
- No automatic tone mapping for 16-bit TIFF (in general it is not necessary and it is duplicated)
- Fixed a bug when calling PhotoBridge

:arrow: Version 11.5.1 (january 2024)

- Fixed bugs in 4K (max button size)
- Improvement when saving in PFI format to avoid corrupted files

:arrow: Version 11.5.0 (september 2023)

- New filter R-Touch : simplified version of the module of PhotoFiltre Mini, it allows you to perform finer retouch
- Addition of contextual menu for thumbnails masks and tubes (mask in PhotoMasque and tube in PhotoPNG).
==> Basic transformations are now available
- Addition of the option Preserve aspect ratio in the module Horizon correction

:arrow: Version 11.4.2 (january 2023)

- Mode PFSX for managing Text layers (change of dpi and especially missing font)
- PhotoBridge retrieves drawing and background colors to provide them to 8bfs who need them
- Improved sorting in the image explorer module to take into account the suffix index number and the full file name
- the pftwain32.exe and PhotoBridge32.exe modules are compressed in order to have a smaller size

:arrow: Version 11.4.1 (jun 2022)

- Improvement of the function Fisheye correction
- Bugs fixes

:arrow: Version 11.4.0 (february 2022)

-Improvements for Windows 11 with the addition of 2 new styles (light and dark)

:arrow: Version 11.3.0 (october 2021)

- Bug fix in line drawing (thickness 2 and horizontal)
- The double-click in the edit zones selects all
- Modification of the click in the sliders (adjustment bars):
. a single click positions the cursor directly at the location of the click
. the double click on the cursor performs a reset

:arrow: Version 11.2.0 (may 2021)

- Fixed a bug in the size of image window
- Fixed a translation bug
- Fixed a bug in Copy into (in case of empty zone)
- Bug fixes in image explorer (pfi, wmf and emf formats are accepted)
- Modification of the Paste region (Past in the center if the original region is not visible)
- Added parameter 'Save with default options' (in Preferences > File)
==> if this parameter is activated, the image is saved without dialog box
- Added 'Default Format' parameter
==> allows to force a format with the command 'Save as'
- Added tooltips in the image explorer (mouse over thumbnails)
- Added TIFF export format in the Automate/Batch module
- WebP format saves with a compression ratio of 90 instead of 75
==> too much loss of quality with 75

:arrow: Version 11.1.0 (april 2021)

- Bug fixes in the Automate/Batch module
. the sequence does not increment when opening a file generate an error
. the export format other than JPEG was wrong
- Possibility to select a link/shortcut (.lnk) for the functions "Acquire with" and "Open layer with"
==> allows to use apps from the store or apps requiring parameters
- Change of default format: PNG instead of JPEG when the extension is not recognized
==> PNG saves losslessly while remaining portable
- The "Set as wallpaper" tool saves the image in the user's Documents folder
==> the Windows folder, too protected, often generates errors
- Integrated 32-bit Twain scan module (pftwain32.exe)
==> does not support batch scanning

:arrow: Version 11.0.0 (march 2021)

- First 64-bit version developed with the core PhotoFiltre Studio 10
This new version will only be 64-bit for now. It supports lots of new formats like HDR, RAW, WebP, Jpeg2000.