Requesting help with making circles

Post here if you need help to realise, to draw something. / Enpoŝtigu ĉi tie se vi bezonus helpon por realigi, por desegni ion.

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Juan Garcia

Requesting help with making circles

Message par Juan Garcia »

Photo Filtre is one of the best things ever happened to me. Thanks to its creators :clap: .
The problem I have is that I cannot add circles with the pointer tool. I can use it for cropping, and changing color, texture etc. I would like to know if there is a plugin dedicated to add adjustable circles to any background. Also, if there is a plugin that handles large bmp's. This is one of the best programs I ever found :idea: , very light and fast to load. Thanks for your help.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: Requesting help with making circles

Message par Tom »

In the tools pannel, activate the Selection tool and select the ellipse tool above .
Before drawing You can check the Stroke box above, (the thickness is defined in the Line tools panel.)
or after the selection is drawn : right clic / Stroke and fill. (you can specify the color and the thickness)
You can draw a perfect circle when you maintain the Maj Key, or after drawing the selection clic on the = (square) symbol in the Selection tools.
In menu Selection / Options / Mode / Expand, if selected allows to draw an ellipse around the first position of the pointer.