for a long time i was useing another program but now i think i will use photo filtre studio that haves realy all i neade.
I use photo filtre studio X 10.3.2 and i have installed the plugin pack 2 (PPP_II_EN.exe) (i have just enter then in plugins folder and the Italian language file to chang the English language in to Italian and al is ok 100% but...
my question is:
There are some more packages of plugins i can use with this program?Where i can get them all?
Thank's in advance helping me and...REALY GOOD WORK!
These filters are initialy build up for PhotoShop and some other good softs can use them correctly.
You can find them on a research motor. Some are freeware other are shareware.
Some site gather their links on their pages : for example :
Ok thank's for reply!
I just got a quick look and there are not pack (but later i will google bettar ) and if i will not finde any package then i will stop getting plugins olso because to many plugins will be to mutch heavy for the program to load so is bettar to keep it like i have it now i will just get a licence as i wrote atm i use windows xp but planing yo put on my computer win 7 and this software is good as the other (since i was useing windows 95) with the only different that the "oldo" program i use do use dont runs correctely on windows 7 instead this it seames to work fine.