PhotoFiltre Studio Question

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Modérateur : Modérateurs

Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par b1rd »

I've just began using PhotoFiltre Studio V9 and I'm having a problem figuring something out.

When I'm building a design in layers, often I do something that seems to lock the layers. I know there's a right-click option to lock them, however I seem to be doing something else that I can't figure out what.


Is there a way to unlock the layers once they've becom locked?

Anybody have any ideas what causes the layers to lock, other than selecting that option? )Perhaps an accidental double-click outside of the image or something?

Thanks in advance.
Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par Tom »

Hi bird,

In menu Tools/Preferences/Other uncheck "Auto select layer" :
Then the layer corresponding to the high-lighted layer thumbnail will works like your expectation.
When the related option is checked : if you click on a transparent pixel you go through the layer and select the first
layer below which contains a partial solid pixel at this exact place.
Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Re: PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par b1rd »

Hi and thanks for the help.

I unchecked that option, and it made things even more difficult (learning curve). I'm only able to move the top layer, so I re-checked it for now.

Everything seems to work fine until I click the mouse outside of program (IE: Click on my Desktop or a web page for something during the build- to drag another image for example) At that point all layers are (or seem to be) locked.

I've tried the undo options, and looked around, but still not able to see what's I'm doing wrong.

Not sure if my question is making any sense, so if not let me know.


I did just configure PFS to show the thumbnails for the layers which helped, but I'm still not able to unlock anything once I click outside of the program. I tried it both the Auto Select layer checked and unchecked,, but all images are frozen.
Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Re: PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par b1rd »

I just stumbled across the Layer Manager Tool, which seems to unlock the layers (or fix the problem I was having)

Thanks again for assistance!

Messages : 13223
Inscription : 02 févr. 2005 9:35

Re: PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par Tom »

It seems you confuse the work states. :)
To realy lock or unlock the layer properly you can also do a right clic upon the layer thumbnail,
but when the Layer manager tool is activated you are in a special work state which allows to displace the layer (if it is unlocked)
and when the selection tool or any drawing tool is activated you can't displace the layer.
Messages : 31
Inscription : 14 avr. 2008 23:34
Version de PhotoFiltre : 6.2.3/ PF Studio
Système d'exploitation : Windows XP Home
Processeur : Intel
Mémoire RAM : 3Gigs

Re: PhotoFiltre Studio Question

Message par b1rd »

when the Layer manager tool is activated you are in a special work state which allows to displace the layer (if it is unlocked)
and when the selection tool or any drawing tool is activated you can't displace the layer.
This is actually what I was trying to achieve. I'm not sure "locked" was the correct term on my end. I think I should have used the term "displace" a layer, rather than "unlock" a layer.

I just also realized that I'm able to save it in a PFI format, to work on it/ make changes at another time. This is such an important feature for me, and will save a lot of time/work. I just wish I had started using Studio earlier, and learned to work with layers earlier as well.

Thanks again. This forum is a great resource indeed!